I'm posting this on the 4th, since coming up with a blog post about New Years Resolutions is a very intimidating thing for me. I've had a hand-written brainstorming list in my purse for a few days now, and am only now just beginning to put my brainstorming thoughts into coherent sentences.
This blog post over at WriteNowCoach.com was also help in inspiring me. Here are my responses to their questions:
In the New Year, I want to give up . . .
Distractions. I'd like to be a little better with organizing my spare time, and my work time, and my teaching time. it would be nice to accomplish more by giving up waste.
In the New Year, I want to take on . . .
More responsibility. Is it cheating by knowing that I'm going to take on more responsibility? My second child is due in March, a girl, and I know that it's going to make me take on a whole new world of responsibility and work. I'm already starting to nest, which is making me realize how much I have yet to do around the house. Hopefully with more responsibility I'll also be able to take on more inspiration to cleaning and organizing. Wishful thinking, I know.
In the New Year, I will rock my life by . . .
Self-Publishing? I've got a novel written, a second on the way, and outlines for another few. I've been waiting for the "perfect" product to get into the self-publishing business, but perhaps a "very good" product is good enough to get started. Then again, I have so very much to learn still about what my options are... perhaps I will rock my life by learning everything I can about the publishing industry, and self-publishing.
In the New Year, I will strengthen my body and spirit by . . .
Giving birth, then diet and exercise. This is definitely something that will have to happen. The baby has to come out of my tummy, and I have to drop all the extra weight I've accumulated over the last five years. So, the goal will be to go to the gym, which I love to do, and leave the kiddos in the day care for an hour three times a week so I can work out. And ordering fresh, organic fruits and vegetables to be delivered to the house once a week will help with eating right.
In the New Year, I will work to change my world by . . .
Donating time, energy, money and materials to those in need. That's a no-brainer. Going through my whole house in preparations for Baby#2's arrival has shown me how much stuff I have that I don't need. These things could be blessing someone else's home, so I should collect them up and donate them to a worthy cause. It would also be wonderful to teach Baby#1 from an early age that money and materials are good, but time and energy are just as valuable when it comes to donations. We can volunteer at an animal shelter, or a local hospital or retirement home. The possibilities are endless.
There. Some more brainstorming done. Hopefully I'll have my list completed by February 1, so I can really get started on this Resolutions thing. And perhaps next year I'll procrastinate a little less and have my list done a month early. :)
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